There are two primary choices of life - To accept conditions as they exist, however
ordinary they may be, or to take up the responsibility of changing them. My cognition has
promptedme to optforthe latter and as a result,my efforts alwaysintend to bring the bestinto
any system by inducing positive changes. Hi-Tech Science College initiated itsjourney long back
in real sense with its +2 science wing, on the base stones of fixing its targets and presenting a
uniquemethodologywith optimumfusion of academics and co-academicswith parallel growth
of competitivemindsto secure assured careersforthe students.Overthe yearsthis college has
assumedbrighter colorsineveryfront–General,Technical&Health educations.
Having created its own identity, in tandem with others, it has been striving consistently to
achieve international standards of imparting quality education, with a common philosophy of
sustaining and inculcating Indian culture and value system in the students.
I, on behalf of Hi-Tech Science College express my sincere gratitude to the parents for
keeping constant reliance on us through combine efforts taken to enrich and high-light the
talents of the students.